Saturday, May 19, 2001

Another late night. I've been working on updating the web site, see, and I typically do it after Kara goes to bed, see, 'cause she's a morning person and I am, well, not a morning person. So I'm cruising Google and AltaVista and others, and generally finding lots of links to dogs. (Owczarek is apparently the brand name of several breeds of dogs, like the Polska Owczarek Nizinny). It's kind of depressing, really, when you're reaching out find your kindred soul on the web, and you find mostly dog clubs. Anyway, I did find more Owczareks than I bargained for, which is good, except it takes awhile to actually get the information and I have no idea how I'll keep it up to date. It screams database, but I don't have the stomach for that right now.

The interesting thing, though, about the geography of the found Owczareks is that it pretty much matches up with what I expected. They are mostly clustered in Michigan (where my parents and grandparents are from), and Poland (where my grandparents parents were from).

Friday, May 18, 2001

I've been wanting to see the movie Best in Show for some time now. So I was at the video store getting a flick for the semi-periodical movie night with Rye Rotgut, and my local video store took me completely off guard by not only having it on the release date, but having an ample supply of the DVD version. Kara and I watched it tonight, and it was hysterical. It's got a great ensemble cast including Christopher Guest, Catherine O'Hara, Eugine Levy, and many more. I won't spoil it for you, but it is absolutely worth a view. It's one of the rare movies that I, Dave, actually laughed out loud at a number of times.

Oh yeah, movie night with Rye? We checked out Fortress II, and it was really, really bad. Unfortunately, that's exactly what movie night is all about. Stay tuned for the scathing review elsewhere in this site.