Saturday, February 16, 2002

Bought a car today. It was OK. Kara did a great job negotiating, and when she got tired of the game, I helped. The dealership really tried to pull some stupid crap on us, like, "oh, I don't think I can get the invoice on that car". Of course, there reason he said this was that when he wrote down the invoice, it was wrong, and I knew it, and if he pulled the real one, he'd have to admit he was wrong and drop the price. So we pushed, and prevailed.

I'll tell the whole story when I get a freakin moment, but right now, Katherine is all consuming.

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

We're really having a hard time trying to get Katherine on a schedule. She's just doing what she wants to do. Kara, God bless her, is trying to keep her engaged during the day, and putting her in the crib, and basically getting her used to bed at 10 and so forth, but last night I was still up until 1:30 AM with her. So we'll keep trying. A complicating factor is that you are either good parents or bad parents no matter what you do depending on which book you read. Sears is different than Ferber is different get the picture. So Kara was feeling down this evening thinking she was a bad mom because the book she read hating the idea of an infant in your bed, and so on and so on. Apparently this particular book promoted the idea that your baby will be more dependent and all this other crap.

Katherine is happy and healthy - smiling, laughing, occassionally crying, and will eventually settle in. Until then, to Hell with the books.
Figure skating is such a crock. I grew up on figure skating, but as I get older, the judging just annoys me more and more.

Sunday, February 10, 2002

OK, this is a rant. It has nothing to do with Katherine. It is another Olympic rant.

I know that there are a lot of Olympic events going on in Salt Lake City. Today, for example, the following sports are all happening, according to the official Olympic web site: alpine skiing, ice hockey, luge, nordic combined, ski jumping, snowboarding, and speed skating.

But NBC's coverage runs from 3PM to 5PM, and then again from 8PM until 11:30PM. I mean, give me a break. NBC ran an hour long infomercial. An infomercial at 2PM this afternoon.

I'll give them credit for dropping a lot of the crappy, sappy stories, but my God, this is ridiculous.