Saturday, February 22, 2003

More guests

Well, we just about got Rangel and Katie back to Washington State when I got a call from my old friend Corby, who was interested in coming down this weekend with his wife Lalitha. So we said, sure, come on down. Corby is an interesting guy. He's working on getting his first novel published, and lives up in the wilds of Vermont. He moved there just after my trip last fall from Malaysia of all places. He traveled the world, see, after losing both of his parents, and met Lalitha in Koala Lampur, fell in love, and got married. They tried to emmigrate to New Zealand, where he had traveled quite a bit, but they couldn't get in because the immigration laws are very strict. So they moved back to the states. Lalitha seems to be dealing with the weather here pretty well. Of course it's much colder where they live, north of Montpelier.

Anyway, they arrived yesterday afternoon and I stayed up gabbing with Corby until 1AM, which was really nice. Corby and I have had a few adventures together. One of the more memorable was a short camping trip we took down to Big Sur in Northern California during (I think) the Hale-Bopp comet. It was absolutely spectacular, and we had a fantastic time in that most beautiful place.

Anyway, so he and Lalitha are off at a party tonight, which was their reason for coming down, and tomorrow morning we might just head out to brunch at a real, authentic Malaysian place in Chinatown. I'll see if there's anything there I can actually eat, what with my twisted diet and all. And the best part is that we have a real, honest to goodness local with us, so she can talk Malay or Tamil or whatever to order us up the best stuff.

Katherine is doing really well. She had an awesome day today. She was a bit out of sorts when Rangel was here, because I think she was threatened a bit by Katie, but she took to Lalitha like a knife to butter, and Lalitha really loves kids, so she's been really happy and the center of all attention when she's awake.

Pics on the home page to follow...