Tuesday, October 16, 2001

I am sooo angry at NPR right now it's ridiculous. They have done "low-impact" fundraising for awhile now, but they just went back to the old format with a vengeance. Every day on the way to work, and on the way home they nail you. They ran fund raising for all three hours of "all things considered" yesterday. The part that kills me is when they say they are not commercially supported. HA! What do you think underwriting has become, I mean, they are basically ads.

Brought to you by XYZ corp. Providing financial services planning for low net-worth clients for 60 years from their flagship Summer street facility. Call them at 888 NET-WORTH or find them on the web at XYZcorp.com.

Give me a break. So I just turn if off. I've made my donation, and it doesn't make it go away any faster.