Ah, Christmas. How I hate it.
I don't really hate it, it's just that it's a real mixed bag. I get so disappointed at how selfish people are around Christmastime, and there's no better place to witness this than at the mall, where you are supposed to be directing your happiness at others.
Case in point: yesterday we went to Barnes and Noble in Burlington. For the entire time we were there, there was at least one car parked in front of the handicapped parking spaces. Not in a space, but perpendicular to the spaces in front of them. Clearly these people want us to think that they are only going to be there for a short time, but you know what, it doesn't really matter, because it's still just plain wrong. And I also don't believe for a second that they are going to be there for a short time. But in order to keep up the appearance, they are actually blocking two or three handicapped spaces. Cripes, just pull into the damn spot, why don't you, and at least you will only be blocking one.
Next case in point. I have Katherine with me in the stroller, and I'm looking at photography books, and there are two other people there ahead of me. They are both standing about 1 1/2 feet from the shelves, browsing books, and effectively blocking most of my view of the titles. Now, bear in mind that I have an 11 month old baby girl with me, who is throwing her Lovie on the floor, and making various squeaks and cries, so it's not like they are not aware that I am there. And I'm trying to look between them to glance at titles, but I can't get right up close because I have to stay on top of Katherine, and so there isn't really a good way to say, "excuse me, but I can't see any of those books you are both blocking". One of the two, after about 3 minutes of this, finally looks up, excuses herself, and then goes right back to what she was doing. The guy next to her looked up briefly, grunted, and didn't even attempt to see what she was looking at. I decided it wasn't a good time to buy a photography book, or to commit assault, and moved on.
But there are positive Christmas experiences as well. Shopping with Katherine is one of them. I got to the mall early on Saturday, and Kara was working, and let me tell you, married guys shopping with very young kids are total chick magnets. In particular, it just so happened that most of the stores I went into had female sales associates, and they went way, way out of their way to help me. In fact, one of them looked at me in disdain initially, because she was working the reg, and I couldn't find anyone on the floor, and I asked her to get something for me. Then, she met Katherine, and within a minute, she was playing with her feet, chatting me up, and running all over the store to make sure I got all my stuff. And you know, it's a little selfish, but I enjoy it - not because I'm being chatted up by a female sales clerk, but because it's nice to have a pleasant Christmas shopping experience where you can enjoy a little idle banter and fawn over your kid in the process.