Friday, April 19, 2002

OK, I got a rare chance to take some night photos tonight. I've been waiting patiently for the carnival to come to town, and this week, it did. It's sitting in Medford square behind city hall. So I broke the bad news to Kara, and ran off at 7 PM to take low light photographs of the carnival.

I was also rewarded with a spectular sunset. Some of these pictures should be available next week. I may have to set up a special gallery for them.
Just what the world needs. A new insect.

Monday, April 15, 2002

Wow, this is a very long time between blogs. I'm sorry folks, I got caught up in a whirlwind. First, Kara came back from Texas. Then, we hit this long weekend here. Then, Kara started working over the weekend, leaving me to care for Katherine, then, I tried to finish the study when Kara got home on Saturday and Sunday. Today, I've had one hell of a day. I woke up really late, and then, breakfast, visit to Grams, federal taxes, dinner, cleaning, bills, state taxes, and now, blog. I'll try to be better.