Wednesday, May 22, 2002

Hey there. So the thought of buying meat, poultry, or fish is really creeping me out right about now. But this morning, Katherine was so cute. Usually, she wakes up between 6 and 7 AM, and Kara, not wanting to actually get up at that point, brings her into our bed, where we can squeek another hour or so out of her.

I was exhausted this morning because I had trouble going to sleep last night on top of going to bed late. Ah well, I just have to make it until I pour myself onto the plane Saturday for a little vacation in Florida. Anyway, so this morning, around 7:15AM, she woke up, and there was no doubt that she was awake and going to stay that way. She was cooing and gurgling and playing around. I was desparately trying to snooze the alarm so I could catch a little more sleep, but she was grabbing my nose and laughing, and stuff like that. At around 7:25, I remember the alarm going off, and I got up and said to Kara, "do you think there is any way I could snooze this and actually get some sleep?" I immediately felt bad, because Kara would have to get up out of bed and take Katherine away, which is what she offered to do. But I also realized that there was no point in prolonging the agony. I might as well just get up. So we both got up.

At any rate (this does come back to food, now, did you wait for it?), I come downstairs and Kara is feeding Katherine baby food. This has been going on for a few weeks now to acclimate her to eating real solid foods. This morning it was some kind of nasty single grain oatmeal. At any rate, Katherine is tickled pink, and smiling and laughing, and she's got a disposable bib on, and she's in her high chair, and there is nasty single grain oatmeal everywhere. I mean, she has an oatmeal beard at this point. It was very funny. By the time I had lunch all packed and stuff, Kara was cleaning up. I'm going to miss them today. Not every morning starts out that sweet and cute. Sometimes, Kara will bring Katherine in in the morning and she is a little stink bomb. But some mornings are really sweet.

Monday, May 20, 2002

I was answering guestbook message last night, and I realized I'm way behind. If you've signed the guestbook, and you haven't heard from me, hang in there, I'll get to it. In the meantime, Katherine has been pretty well behaved the last few nights. Cross your fingers about tonight, though. She's in bed and quiet, at least.