Monday, March 17, 2003

Crying baby :^(

Our wonderful experience with Katherine and sleep came to a crashing halt this evening. She took a shorter nap than usual, and she's got some new teeth coming in. Still, as tired as she was, she seemed in pretty good shape when bedtime came. We put her down early, after giving her some baby-Advil for the teeth. But then she just started screaming. After trying to comfort her for a long time, we finally got her up and sat with her downstairs until she fell asleep. But then she woke up again when we transferred her to the crib, and the screaming began again. Kara sat up with her and got her to fall asleep again, but the same thing happened. We finally just had to let her cry it out, and it took her another 15 minutes or so. She's been OK since then.

I hope this isn't a sign of impending sleep problems. She's been a great and reliable sleeper for a long time, and it's really unpleasant when she's in a funk like this.