Friday, April 04, 2003

Katherine Learns to Swear (from Mom)

So we're out driving around last week, and Kara's talking away in the front seat, and she's really animated, and she says, "SHIT". Then, from the back-seat, I hear little, innocent, young, Katherine Louise say, "IT". After some discussion around this topic, I come to find that this is not the first time that little Katherine has imitated her mom swearing. In fact, shit is one of the first 100 words she has learned. In fact, it's probably in the first 25. So tonight, I'm giving her a bath, because Kara's out drinking, er, I mean scrap-booking, and Katherine is completely entranced by a little plastic spoon, and she's filling it up with water, then splashing it all over the tub, me, the floor, and so on, and I hear, "IT". She's going to have a mouth like a sailor by 2, I fear.

This whole war thing...

For the last week or so, I've been thinking, what happens if the coalition forces get to Baghdad, and Saddam is not there? What then? So today I get the answer from Yahoo!. The guv'mint says that the war will be a success even if Saddam is not found. Wow. Pretty big spin away from what we heard a month ago.

Then I'm sitting around at lunch, and we're talking about what kind of "unconventional" weapons the Iraqi's could use against the coalition at Saddam airport, excuse me, Baghdad airport. And we're joking around about it, and one of the guys at work says, "well, the next thing you know, the U. S. forces will see a bunch of Iraqi peasants pushing a large wooden horse..."