It was a nice sunny weekend. The perfect weekend to build a sandbox. At least, that's what my wife told me. I had other ideas, like getting a haircut. But you know, I build the damn sandbox, I did. With the help of Bob Villa (you can find anything on the Internet, including complete plans with board dimensions and everything). Thanks to Bob, I ran off to the 'Depot, and had them cut up the appropriate lumber, piled 10 bags of play sand in the trunk, and viola! 2 hours later I had a sandbox in my backyard. Of course, it took me the entire next day to build the sandbox cover, including another trip to the 'Depot to buy T50 staples. You'd think that all staple guns would take the same staples, but no, they don't. Anyway, Katherine seems to really enjoy it. Especially the part where she throws all the sand out of the sandbox, and all the mulch in it. Or when she dumps the sand down her shirt, or when she eats it. You get the idea. Two baths in the same day later, she is finally asleep. So that's sun and sand. The suffering came this afternoon, when she took her worst fall yet. She fell off her high chair - Kara was right there, but her body twisted in a funny way, and she slipped through Kara's hands, and hit the floor, then her head went back and she bumped the back of her head and her eye on the foot of the table. She had a ridiculously huge bump on the back of her head. I mean, it was an inch and a half to two inches long, and it stuck out at least a half an inch. It was monterous. And she scratched a little circle under her left eye. Oh man, did she cry. Cry, cry, cry, she did. She just wasn't the same for the rest of the afternoon. I mean mood wise, you know? She was really sensitive, and she had a lot of melt-downs. We finally gave her some Motrin, because I was sure she had a splitting headache. That seemed to help quite a bit, although she was still sensitive. And that was the weekend, or most of it.