Thursday, August 23, 2001

OK, so I'm married, right? And my wife and I courted for almost a decade prior to tying the knot. So this means that I know a thing or two about women's fashion. The most important thing I know, and it's probably the most obvious for anyone else that's married, is that you don't ever, under any circumstances, utter anything that could be construed as negative when the subject of shoes comes up. If you are in a mall, and she's shopping for anything, you can expect that it will require shoes, so just shut up, and pull out the credit card. It's just one of those things that are different between men and women, and it's not comprehensible to men, and it's not worth getting in a fuss about.

But shoes are not the reason I'm blogging this evening. I'm blogging because I have encounter a female fashion problem in my male world - pants sized. In fact, my dad has this problem too, but we don't ever talk about it, because then we'd have to admit that, A) we have a problem, and B) the women were really right all along. My problem is that my inseam is a "perfect 33". If you've ever paid attention to mens pants, you would know that the inseams typically come in one inch intervals until you reach 32 inches, whereupon they magically change to two inch intervals, leaving me with several choices:

I can buy a 32, which just barely fits when I first buy it, and then turns into flood pants after about four trips through the washer

I can buy a 34, which is too long, and although I am quite willing to forego the right "break" over my shoes, the problem really is that the cuff of the pants wears out very quickly, because it is constantly chafing against the ground

I can buy pants that do not have a hem, and then take them to a tailor get them set to the right length. Oh please, like I'm going to do this for a $30 pair of pants. I mean, if I could buy a suit with a 33" cuff off the rack I'd probably do it to avoid my local tailor.

So, basically, I am screwed. I was at the North Shore Mall a few weekends ago, and I found one pair of pants in Miltons with a 33" inseam. It was the only pair of 33s in the entire mall. I know, because I actually checked. OK, maybe not every single store, I mean, I'm not really the Aeropostal type, but you get the point.

The thing that bugs me about this, and I'm sure the women out there are going to be laughing at me, is that, like, 32x32, 34x32, 34x34 as pants sizes are clearly in the range of the most popular sizes. You can't tell me that there aren't a huge number of 33s out there who don't have the same problem. Or are there?