Thursday, March 13, 2003

Nothing in particular

Hmm. Ho.

Back in Boston. Snowy. Cold.

Atlanta is warm. Very warm. In fact, it is spring in Atlanta. Trees are budding. I have been sweating it humping between the two offices. You don't need a jacket. But I do need a jacket for Boston. Very annoying. I have to wear a jacket and pack gloves, because it's 25 degrees in Boston even though when I left Atlanta it was in the 70s.

But I'm not complaining, not about the weather, anyway. I enjoy it, really. And spring will be here soon.

I guess you can tell I don't have much to say, but I will say this. In the Hartsfield Airport in Atlanta, they now have talking trashcans. Yes, you heard me. When you drop something in them, they speak to you. And then they do some kind of compacting thing. So I dropped the bag from dinner in one, but it was kindof backed up from all the other trash, and it started to tell me about how the lid was not clear, and that I should make sure I push the trash all the way in, and then make sure the lid was closed.

I walked away.

Monday, March 10, 2003

Quick update

So now I don't travel to Kansas City anymore. I travel to Atlanta. It was 70 degrees in Atlanta last week, and it'll be close to that this week. I haven't blogged in awhile for several reasons, not the least of which is that my computer decided to crash, and I spent the better part of the weekend re-installing Windows 98 (first edition) on it. It really sucks installing software when you can't get to the Internet for drivers, but my laptop from work helped out there.

Anyway, a quick Katherine update. She has two new teeth this week, and she climbed into her high-chair. That's pretty impressive, really, and very, very scary. She is very preoccupied with putting things in other things. Kara spilled some Fritos on the floor today (actually, Katherine spilled them, but that's another story), and the next thing you know, there were Fritos in the tupperware, in drawers, in shoes, in whatever she could find to place them in. It's quite amusing, really, because you never really know what you will find. I don't bat an eye anymore and going to put my shoes on in the morning and finding a rattle in one of them, or pot lids in her toy basket, because that's just where she's at right now. It's really pretty cute. She gets very serious, like it's important, you know, and then will proceed to pick up my gloves one at a time, bring them to me, then go away, come back, and take them back, one at a time, and put them back where she found them.

Oh, she also brings us the mail, too, which is actually alright.