It's Freaking COLD in Kansas City
Like, I don't think it got above 10 today, and it was 4 downtown when I woke up at 7AM. I biffed it on the clothes - I brought totally the wrong stuff. I did bring gloves, which is helping. When I checked the weather report from home before I left, it looked like it would be snowing on and off, so I left my leather jacket at home and brought a rain shell that it good for slogging through the snow and scraping the car and stuff. But there is no snow in the forecast now, just bitter cold, and this rainshell doesn't have any insulation. On top of that, it seems that whenever I go to dinner, I'm sitting near enough to the door that I get an arctic blast whenever anyone comes in, and so I never really get warm. On top of that, my hotel room heat had not been turned on, and it was like 50 degrees in here when I arrived. Now, a day later, it's more reasonable. And on top of that, I hear that I get to come home just in time for another snowstorm. What a winter it has been.