Thursday, January 17, 2002

Isn't it a bit late for Enron to get all blustery and fire Andersen? I mean, the Enron senior people surely knew what was going on, and now they are trying to shift blame to Andersen. Andersen really seems to have messed this one up, but ultimately they were the watchdog, not the perpetrator. Although I do like Andersen's response...

As a matter of fact, our relationship with Enron ended when the company's business failed and it went into bankruptcy
Dave still tired. But hey, at least I have new windows! It's pretty amazing, really, how much of a difference it has made so far. I don't have to keep the heat up anywhere near as high.

Katherine decided to sleep all day, since she was so fussy yesterday. She woke up around 10, of course. I managed to keep her calm until around, oh five minutes ago, and now Kara is nursing her. She doesn't look like she's going to sleep any time soon. But I got the worst of it last night, what with being up until 2, so I get to sleep tonight, and then take the late shift Friday night and Saturday.
Dave tired. Dave very very tired. Katherine had a very show-offy day yesterday. She was up and awake and fussy all day. It's almost like she was really excited. Even well into the evening, she didn't sleep much. So of course, Kara and I once again fell into the trap of thinking we're old pros. We said, hey, we'll keep her up until 11:30 or so, let her cry a bit, and she'll nurse and sleep like a log because she's been so active today. WRONG. She nursed, then she woke up, and started crying. Kara's really gotten the worst of it for the last two days, she's pretty tired and worn out, so I got up and comforted her. So I got up around 12:30AM, and got back to bed around 2AM. She nursed again and then fell asleep. But then I had to get up again at 7:30AM for the window guy. And not just get up, I had to move an armoire, get the furniture out of the room, and so forth. Welcome to my life. Dave very tired.

Wednesday, January 16, 2002

OK, here's the deal. My inlaws are in town. I picked them up at the airport today. I had half the windows in my house replaced today, and most of the rest are being done tomorrow. I'm a little busy, and it might take me awhile to make updates.

Tuesday, January 15, 2002

Dad's home from Arizona. (He took a quick vacation out there, saw the Grand Canyon, Vegas, desert, etc.) He really helped out a huge amount because our windows arrived this morning, and they are being installed tomorrow and Thursday. I'm telling you, nothing makes you feel more like an adult than buying windows for your house. Even having a baby.

Anyway, so we had a "junk room" we had to clear out, and we had to take all the curtains and shades down, and so on and so forth, and my inlaws are due tomorrow afternoon, so the whole thing is colliding at once. Oh yeah, then there's this four week old crying pooping baby. Actually, we love her and she's a dream, but she has definately not settled into a regular schedule, so the thought of having to get up at 7AM to make sure we're up for the window guys is pretty terrible. And Kara really, REALLY wants to be up when the window guys show up. There are some things you can drag yourself out of bed for, but having a work crew installing windows is not one of them.

Gotta run, or I'll be in the dog house. (I still don't believe the pretzel story, although I have to say, it has occurred to me that it's so stupid sounding it might just *be* true. I mean, if I had to invent a cover story, it would be a lot better than that.)
Does anyone out there really believe that President Bush choked on a pretzel? I mean, come on. Did you see the size of that bruise? If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck, but this one doesn't smell ducky at all. I mean, if he was all alone, and he choked, and fainted briefly, and was OK, do you think they'd really tell us? Of course not. The press secretary is not going to do anything to weaken confidence in Bush. The fact of the matter is, his face got banged up, and they needed a cover story. Maybe he was eating pretzels at the time, but come on: choking on a pretzel, fainting because his incredibly low blood pressure as a result of his excellent physical shape, then hitting a coffee table on the way down? That's like slipping in the shower. Sure, it happens, but it never explains the laceration it's being used as an excuse for.

And furthermore, do we really want a president who can't eat pretzels without fainting? I'm in good shape. I eat pretzels. I've never fainted. OK? In fact, I've never even come close to fainting. Drymouth is about the worst I've suffered.

Monday, January 14, 2002

I ran the web statistics for my site for December. I'm getting a pretty fair amount of traffic, thanks largely to Katherine. I got over 10,000 hits in December. But the best part was the analysis of search terms that people have used to find my site. Most of the really wacky ones are people who wind up in the bad science fiction movie section. These are actual site visits caused by someone going to a search engine, typing in a search term, and then clicking on a link to my site. I should also note that there is nothing terribly naughty on my site, but clearly some people hitting it were looking for something naughty. I guess porn does rule the Internet.

Anyway, here are the...

Top 10 Search Terms Used To Find

10. Brennick
9. Shatner Esperanto
8. Mathilda May Nude
7. Annabel Schofield Naked
6. Intestinator
5. Kathy Ireland Shower Scene
4. Pregnant Joanna Pacula & Warlock
3. Naked Prison Scenes
2. Freaky Chics


1. LSD Evil Clowns

I am not making this up. Go to Google and try some of these (although Google is only one of the search engines sending me traffic). You will find hits for
OK, here's a Katherine update. Although I don't know what impression the last week of blogs have left, I can tell you that there is now some doubt about her colic diagnosis, which is very good news for us if it holds out. When we took her in last Thursday, she'd been in a very regular crying pattern for three days. The pattern broke, and she's been a pretty non-colicly normal baby since. She had another doctors visit today (22 inches, 9 pounds 8 ounces) and got a clean bill of health. So we're taking it a day at a time, and hoping that colic turns out to be a non issue. The other big news from the doctor is that Katherine has very advanced head control. At one month, she can lie on her stomach, hold her head in the air, and look around for sustained periods of time. She seems to be about a month ahead of normal head control development. She pretty much came out of the womb moving her head around like that, although it's definately gotten stronger and less floppier since she was born.