Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Quick Update

My life has gotten very busy recently, and that's part of the reason for a lack of blogging. Still, I have news today, mostly about Katherine.

It was her 1st birthday yesterday, and we had a nice little party at home. It was a very small affair, so don't get mad at me if you weren't invited. She received lots of toys and clothes, and got to stay up a half an hour later than normal and skip her bath. Way cool.

This morning, we dragged her tired, unwashed butt out of bed for an early doctors appointment, where she was pronounced very healthy. She had a hemoglobin test which came back excellent, and only one shot, which was great. She is officially 21 pounds (50th percentile) and 29.5 inches long (75th percentile) with an 18 inch head, although I think they didn't quite measure her length correctly, and she's got a least an inch more than registered.

She has all four top and bottom teeth in place now for a total of eight. Why do I tell you this now? Because it's really effin hard to get a look at them, and the doctor had her crying with a tongue depressor to get a look at them all, so we really just did not know how many teeth she actually had. Oh yeah, and we're just bad parents too, I suppose.

Anyway, it really felt like Christmas after her little soirée last night, because there were dishes and wrapping paper everywhere, and Kara got some Christmas decorations, and the stockings were hung by the fireplace with care, and all that crap. KIDDING. Christmas is a great time of year, and this one is going to be terrific. We even had a day warm enough over the weekend to put up our lights and a big wreath on the second floor of the house.