Friday, August 30, 2002

I am Done

OK, so the gig is over. I only embarrassed myself a little bit. Kim rocked, as usual, and Milo did a great job as well. I blew one of the better songs because I had a string go flat and I couldn't get into a 6/8 beat. I really don't want to hear the tape of that one. Other than that, I think it was mostly OK, but I'm feeling like I could have done a lot better. Anyway, it's not like there were screaming women or groupies or anything. The most important thing was that I was able to help out Kim, and I hope she enjoyed herself, because she sounded great!

Thursday, August 29, 2002

The latest computer virus

I received an email in my personal account this afternoon. It contained two attachments - setup.exe, and a .html file. It was sent from the email address "report", and had a subject line of "A very nice game". The email message contained the following text:

This is a special nice game
This game is my first work.
You're the first player.
I wish you would like it.

So to Mr. Report I have this one question: Do you honestly think that I'm stupid enough to run this program? What kind of idiot do you take me for? My God, if you're going to propogate the Klez virus, can you at least come up with something a little more original?

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Another rehearsal

I'm busy busy busy. I had another rehearsal yesterday, this time with the percussionist as well as Kim. It went pretty well. I managed to get home by 11:45 or so, which was pretty good. So my infrequent blogging as of late is really a result of this. I need to get this gig out of the way, and some stuff will uncork. The gig is Friday, so that will be soon.